
  • Understanding Ear Infections: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options
    Ear infections can happen to anyone, and they are most common in children. Bacteria can get into the middle ear, causing inflammation and infection. Your ENT specialist can help. Dr. Read more
  • When To See an ENT Specialist: Recognizing Signs and Symptoms
    When you’re dealing with issues in your ears, nose, or throat, it can be excruciating and interrupt your daily life. You might find yourself struggling to focus and having issues Read more
  • Reducing Seasonal Allergies Symptoms
    Seasonal allergies affect many of us, making it difficult to enjoy being outside during the spring and summer. Dr. Andrew Pestcoe at The Head and Neck Center in Bethlehem and Read more
  • FAQs About Hearing Loss
    Suffering from hearing loss? Dr. Andrew Pestcoe at The Head and Neck Center in Bethlehem and Allentown, PA is dedicated to helping you hear clearly again. FAQs About Hearing Loss in Read more
  • FAQs About Sinusitis
    A sniffle or sneeze here and there isn't bothersome. But when hay fever symptoms disrupt your daily routine, make waking up dreadful, or become frustrating beyond belief, our physicians at Read more
  • Suffering From Allergies?
    An allergic reaction is an exaggerated response by the body’s immune system to a specific substance or allergen. The body’s reaction can produce a broad range of symptoms, such as Read more
  • What To Know About Allergies
    If you are looking for treatment for allergic disorders, you can trust the medical team at The Head and Neck Center in Bethlehem, Allentown, PA, for treatment. Our team will Read more
  • What Is Sinusitis?
    Dr. Andrew Pestcoe at The Head and Neck Center can treat many conditions and help you overcome multiple health issues. For example, he can manage sinusitis in Bethlehem, Allentown, PA, and Read more
  • Seasonal Allergies FAQs
    How your ENT specialist in Bethlehem, PA, can help with seasonal allergies If you dread the coming of spring or summer because of seasonal allergies, you will be glad to know Read more
  • The Causes Of Hearing Loss
    How your ENT specialist in Bethlehem, and Allentown, PA, can help with hearing loss There are many factors that can cause hearing loss, and it can be a scary experience. Fortunately, Read more
  • Common Causes of Tinnitus
    When you are dealing with hearing loss in Bethlehem, serving Allentown, PA, The Head and Neck Center and Dr. Andrew Pestcoe can give you the information you need about common causes Read more
  • Where To Turn For Allergy Relief
    If allergy symptoms are impacting your daily routine, we can help! Are you battling allergy symptoms? Finding over-the-counter solutions to be less than helpful in managing your stuffed up or runny Read more
  • Treating Hearing Loss in 2021
    Listening is a key component of communication, so if you're having trouble hearing, it can impact your life in many ways. Hearing loss can hinder your enjoyment of music and Read more
  • Common Symptoms of Sinusitis
    It's normal for cold and flu symptoms to persist for several days, sometimes about a week. But if they prolong then it's important to seek out your Bethlehem, PA, doctor Read more
  • Are You Struggling With Hearing Loss?
    Hearing loss can be due to various factors and could be mild to severe. The most common consequence of unmanaged hearing loss is difficulty understanding others, especially in noisy environments. Read more
  • Allergies: What is Allergy Testing?
    What are allergies? Allergies are when your body's immune system overreacts to an allergen(s), an external harmless substance. Examples of allergens are weeds, grasses, trees, molds, dust mites, and animal dander. There Read more