Seasonal Allergies FAQs

Seasonal Allergies FAQs

How your ENT specialist in Bethlehem, PA, can help with seasonal allergies

If you dread the coming of spring or summer because of seasonal allergies, you will be glad to know your ENT specialist can provide relief. Dr. Andrew Pestcoe at The Head and Neck Center in Bethlehem, PA, offers a wide range of medical services, including allergy treatment. He proudly serves residents of Bethlehem, Allentown, and Lehigh Valley.

If you dread going outside during the spring and summer months, you need to know the facts about seasonal allergies. These are a few of the most frequently asked questions and answers about seasonal allergies:

What are seasonal allergies?

Seasonal allergies typically occur with the seasons, specifically spring and summer. You may experience allergy symptoms when various plants start to grow or bloom. The most common seasonal allergy is “hay fever” which is an allergy to various grasses and other plants.

What am I allergic to?

Common seasonal allergens include:

  • Flowers
  • Grasses and weeds
  • Trees and shrubs

What are the symptoms of seasonal allergies?

Allergy signs and symptoms can vary for everyone, but the most common signs and symptoms of seasonal allergies include:

  • A skin rash or irritation
  • Breathing difficulties
  • A runny nose or nasal congestion
  • Coughing or sneezing
  • Sinus pressure or sinus headaches
  • Itchy, watery, red eyes
  • Inflamed or infected ears

How can I find out what I’m allergic to?

Allergy treatment begins with allergy testing. For seasonal allergies, your ENT specialist will typically perform skin testing. A small number of different allergens are injected just underneath the skin. If you experience redness or swelling at any injection site, you are allergic to the substance injected.

How are seasonal allergies treated?

Treatment for seasonal allergies can include:

  • Allergy shots
  • Prescription-strength antihistamines and decongestants
  • Sublingual immunotherapy drops

These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions and answers about seasonal allergies. To learn more about seasonal allergies and allergy treatment, call Dr. Andrew Pestcoe at The Head and Neck Center in Bethlehem, PA, serving residents of Bethlehem, Allentown, and Lehigh Valley. You can reach him in the Bethlehem, PA, office by calling (610) 691-2552, so call today.