What Is Sinusitis?

What Is Sinusitis?

Dr. Andrew Pestcoe at The Head and Neck Center can treat many conditions and help you overcome multiple health issues. For example, he can manage sinusitis in Bethlehem, Allentown, PA, and ensure that this disease doesn't affect your life for too long. Understanding this condition can help you manage it more effectively and speed your recovery time.

What Is This Condition?

When the sinuses inside your nose become inflamed and swollen, you're suffering from this painful condition. It may cause difficulty breathing and may also trigger pain, swelling, redness, high fevers, confusion, double vision, a stiff neck, mucus discharge, stuffy nose, and even bad breath.

Most people who develop this disease do so after getting a cold or other respiratory-related health conditions. People with hay fever or allergies may also develop this condition, as do people with more serious medical conditions, like cystic fibrosis or even HIV/AIDS. Exposure to smoke and nasal passage abnormalities also trigger this health condition.

Treating this sinusitis in Bethlehem, Allentown, PA, requires finding a treatment specialist who understands this problem. By working with us, you can get many treatment and preventative care methods that can help manage this problem and even help it from developing later. Thankfully, many of these steps are things you can easily do at home.

Treatment Options

Prevention is almost always the best way to avoid this problem. Start by staying away from people who have colds, taking vitamins to improve your immune system, washing your hands frequently, and managing your allergies. Avoid polluted air, including cigarette smoke. If you smoke, try to quit or begin limiting yourself as much as possible. A humidifier can also help keep your home from being too dry.

Treatments often include various simple options, such as a saline spray. These sprays help rinse your nasal passages and improve your breathing flow. Nasal corticosteroid sprays also help prevent and treat inflammation and may improve your overall breathing. Doctors may also prescribe decongestants, allergy medications, and unique pain treatment options to minimize your potential suffering.

More serious concerns, such as infections caused by inflammation, may require antibiotics to manage. However, this option only occurs in severe cases because viruses and not bacteria cause this condition. Likewise, doctors may use immunotherapy options to help decrease your allergic reactions and minimize the swelling and inflammation throughout your nasal passages and sinuses.

Taking Care of Yourself

Please call Dr. Pestcoe at The Head and Neck Center, to get treatment for sinusitis in Bethlehem, Allentown, PA, if you develop these symptoms. By calling (610) 691-2552, you can take control of your health problems and walk yourself back from lingering symptoms that may affect your overall health.