Protect Yourself from Hearing Loss

Protect Yourself from Hearing Loss

Discover some easy steps you can take to protect your hearing.hearing loss

According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, about 20 percent of Americans have some form of hearing loss (that’s about 48 million people!). By the time someone reaches the ages of 65, one in three have hearing loss. While hearing loss does often happen as we age, there are many other factors that can affect our hearing. Here are some helpful ways to protect your hearing for years to come courtesy of your ENT professional, The Head and Neck Center, P.C. located in Bethlehem, PA and Allentown, PA.

Listen to Music Safely

If you wear headphones to listen to music it’s a good idea to listen to music at 60 percent of its maximum volume for no more than one hour a day. Listening to music at high volumes, while fun, can certainly damage your ears. If you find that you can’t hear sounds around you while listening to music then the music is much too loud. The same rule applies if others can hear your music blasting from your headphones.

Sport Earplugs

As you can probably already imagine, being exposed to loud noises for long periods of time can damage your hearing (think concerts, festivals and racecar events). Make sure to bring earplugs with you and take 10-minute breaks away from the sound whenever you can.

Prevent Occupational Hazards

While those working on construction sites and factories used to experience a lot of trouble with their hearing, safety regulations have been put in place to protect workers’ hearing. However, you should make sure you are still using the proper equipment and hearing protection at all times. If you are concerned about your hearing while at work talk to your boss about ways to keep everyone safer.

Be Aware of Your Hearing

It’s important to always be on the lookout for any changes to your hearing. Do you notice that it’s becoming more and more difficult to hear those around you? Do you find that you have to keep turning the volume up on the TV or radio just to hear it? Do you ask people to repeat themselves often? If you are noticing changes then it’s time to see your Bethlehem, PA and Allentown, PA otolaryngologist or audiologist for a hearing evaluation.

If you have questions about hearing loss or are having difficulty understanding those around you then it’s time you called your ENT doctor in Bethlehem, PA and Allentown, PA today to find out the extent of your hearing loss and what can be done to treat it. Start being part of the conversation again.